This image illustrates the proposal's concept -- a radically narrowed roadway, a landscaped median and a multi-use path. Note that in the picture here, there is only one, distant crossing, at a traffic signal, and there are no driveways.
This looks great, it's a nice park -- as long as there is no traffic, as shown in the image.
This picture shows another roadway at the left, unrepresentative of the project area. There is only one stretch of Newton Street where there are two parallel roadways with a landscaped median; one of them is to be converted into a frontage road for residents. In other places, residents will have access either from the single, narrowed two-way roadway, or by crossing or driving on the multi-use path.
The picture here also shows both a multi-use path and a sidewalk. Except for one block on Hammond Street approaching Boylston Street, there is to be no sidewalk on the same side with the multi-use path, and on parts of Lee Street, the 12-foot-wide path also is to carry two-way motor traffic as well as bicycle and pedestrian traffic.